Friday, July 19, 2013

Things heat up as Piers Morgan invites Larry Elder to “The Grill”: “I think you’re stupid!”

 Amidst the aftermath of a crackling war of words that had been heating up Twitter of late, this evening Piers Morgan invited Larry Elder to take a seat on “The Grill,” and the live guest did not fail to fan the flames.

On Tuesday, the radio host used the micro-blogging site to criticize Piers Morgan’s recent interview of Rachel Jeantel, disputing the host’s claim that his guest was of strong intellect:

So @piersmorgan describes #RachelJeanel as "one smart cookie". Sure, it certainly explains why the 19yr. old is still in high school.

— Larry Elder (@larryelder) July 16, 2013

Referencing Elder’s social media commentary, Morgan asked a very straightforward question:

“Is she stupid, Larry?”

Choosing not to answer the question asked, Wednesday’s guest fired back at Morgan instead:

“I think you’re stupid for saying that kind of thing, for trying to get black people convinced that race and racism remains a major part of America when it doesn’t,” he blurted. “Racism is not a major problem in America anymore. The number one problem facing black people are the large number of black people born outside of wedlock.”

As the live interview continued, it certainly did not become any more congenial.

“Just out of interest, how many languages do you speak,” Morgan asked Elder, setting up the point that the aforementioned Jeantel speaks three.

“I don’t speak ebonics as well as Rachel, if that’s what you mean,” came Elder’s response.

Finally, after quite a bit of time spent listening to his guest shout, and dodging any specific questions, Piers Morgan simply ended the interview:

“Thank you Larry Elder,” he said calmly, before introducing the next story.

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